Field Trips
The geology of Norway is heavily influenced by the Caledonian orogeny and Trondheim is close to previous major mining towns like Røros and Løkken. Norway has a strong mining industry and is one of the dominating suppliers of industrial minerals like olivine as a slag conditioner, marble as a filler agent in paper and quartz important for the development of energy production solutions based on solar energy.
Please register early for the field trips at our web shop:
A minimum number of attendees is required. Changes in the program or cancelations may therefore occur. Information about this will of course be distributed and any payments will be refunded. If you already have booked your return tickets and your excursion is cancelled, a local low-cost alternative will be organized. Please register before July 10.
Please register early for the field trips at our web shop:
A minimum number of attendees is required. Changes in the program or cancelations may therefore occur. Information about this will of course be distributed and any payments will be refunded. If you already have booked your return tickets and your excursion is cancelled, a local low-cost alternative will be organized. Please register before July 10.

Løkken mine 333 years of mining – waking up from the dead?↑
The Løkken copper-rich massive sulfide (“VMS”) deposit is located about 50 km southwest of Trondheim, central Norway. The former Løkken mine is by tonnage one of the largest mines developed on an ophiolite-hosted Cyprus-type VMS deposits. The mine produced 24Mt at an average grade 2.3% Cu and 1.8% Zn. This one-day excursion will take you down into the museums mine and you will see WMS-localities.