Instruction for Authors
General Information
The conference accepts oral and poster presentations, based on a short abstracts accompanied by a graphical abstract or informative figure. A maximum number of one oral and one poster contribution per presenting author might be enforced in case of many submitted contributions. Presenting authors need to be registered at the early bird registration deadline to stay in the programme. Oral and poster presenters are expected to be present at the conference.
Short Abstracts
Acceptance of contribution will be based on short abstracts accompanied by a graphical abstract or informative figure (width 12.5cm height up to 10cm, jpg or png file format). The abstract should be informative enough to allow to judge the content and relevance of the contribution.
Full Papers
Poster Teaser
All poster presenter will have the opportunity for short (max 2 min) teaser presentation. You can use 1 slide (pdf format), which needs to be submitted through the contribution management system ahead of the conference. The aim of a teaser presentation is to get people interested in comming to your poster. Why is result important? Is this poster interesting for me? It is NOT a mini presentation of the content.
Slides for Oral contributions
Slides need to be uploaded ahead of the conference in pdf, ppt, pptx, or odp format. For other formats please contact the office with example files way ahead of time. The projectors will use 16/9 format . There will be no slide template provided.
All presentations are in English. To ensure a high standard of presentations, please train your presentation before. Standard oral presentations are 14 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion. Allowing for 1min of transition and announcements. Invited speakers will be informed about the length of their slots.
Posters will be up to A0. The Poster must be clearly titled with the contribution code (to be provided through the paper management system on publication of the programme), the contribution title and the authors. Poster presenters are expected to be present at their poster during the dedicated poster session.
IAMG2023 sponsored by:

IAMG2023 sponsored by: