Scientific Programme
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Changes are given with respect to the printed program, and not the last online program
This programme schedule is tentative and will be regularly updated during the conference.
ORAL: Oral Contribution (typically 18min + 6min Discussion)
REMOTE ORAL: Remotely presented Oral Contribution (typically 18min + 6min Discussion)
POSTER: Poster Contribution (1-2min Teaser ORAL presentation+Poster Session later)
ANY: Change to ORAL proposed to contribution on the ORAL waiting list
R1-R7: Rooms
S00 Plenary Session
Guillaume Caumon (GeoRessources - ENSG, Universite de Lorraine, CNRS)
Tue Aug 30th auditorium 08:40:00
S0001. Multiple-Point statistics for stochastic modeling of aquifers, where do we stand?
Philippe Renard*
08:40 Tue Aug 30th auditorium KEYNOTE
S0002. Parametric and non-parametric monitoring of induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field
Marie-Colette van Lieshout*
13:40 Tue Aug 30th auditorium REMOTE ORAL
Wed Aug 31st auditorium 08:30:00
S0003. Optimal transport and Geophysical inversion
Malcolm Sambridge*, Andrew Jackson, Andrew P Valentine
08:30 Wed Aug 31st auditorium KEYNOTE
S0004. Multi-scale Spatial Patterns of Mineral Deposits: Their Exploration Significance
John Carranza*
13:40 Wed Aug 31st auditorium KEYNOTE
Thu Sep 1st auditorium 08:30:00
S0005. Quantitative simulation and prediction of extreme geological events
Qiuming Cheng*
08:30 Thu Sep 1st auditorium KEYNOTE
Fri Sep 2nd auditorium 08:30:00
S0006. Interpolations, realizations and scenarios - using ML spatially without big data
Colin Daly*
08:30 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium KEYNOTE
S0007. Computational optimal transport
Bruno Lévy*
13:50 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium KEYNOTE
S01 Beyond Gaussianity: what is the status of the GANs, MPS, Cumulants or Copula approaches?
Julien Straubhaar (Univ. of Neuchâtel), Thomas Mejer Hansen (Aarhus University), Philippe Renard (University of Neuchatel)
Thu Sep 1st 106 09:50:00
S0101. Multiple-point based simulation and estimation with uncertain data
Oli Johannsson, Thomas Mejer Hansen*
09:50 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0102. Characterization of subsurface hydrogeological structures with convolutional conditional neural processes on limited training data
Zhesi Cui*, Qiyu Chen, Gang Liu
10:15 Thu Sep 1st 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0103. Multiple-point statistics in unstructured grids
Julien Straubhaar, Philippe Renard, Tatiana Chugunova
10:40 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0104. Downscaling tomographic models using multi-point statistics
Thomas Bodin*, Navid Hedjazian, Gaspard Larrouturou, Yann Capdeville
11:05 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0105. Downscaling of digital elevation models by using a multiple-point statistics approach
Guanghui Hu*, Gregoire Mariethoz
11:30 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0106. Can FPGAs speed up MPS?
Mathieu Gravey*
11:55 Thu Sep 1st 106 POSTER
S0108. Lessons learned from simulating fluvial deposits using process-based models and generative adversarial networks
Guillaume Rongier*, Luk Peeters
15:00 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0109. What can GAN learn from depositional patterns to build 3D facies models?
Chao Sun*, Vasily Demyanov, Daniel Arnold
15:25 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0110. Deep-learning spatial generation of geological facies
Ferdinand Bhavsar*, Thomas Romary, Fabien Ors, Nicolas Desassis
15:50 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0111. Should we use Machine Learning to get Geostatistical realization?
Mathieu Gravey*
16:15 Thu Sep 1st 106 ORAL
S0112. Three-dimensional Geological Structure Reconstruction with Multiple- point Statistics Method Guided by ANN: A Case Study of Metro Station in Guangzhou, China
Hou Weisheng*, Hengguang Liu, Yonghua Chen , Yanhua Li, Chengjun Liu, Dian Wang
16:40 Thu Sep 1st 106 REMOTE ORAL
Fri Sep 2nd 106 14:40:00
S0113. Copula-Based Geostatistics: Recent Developments and Geo-Hydrological Applications
Claus Haslauer*, Sebastian Hörning, András Bárdossy
14:40 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S0114. A Multiple-Point Statistical Descriptor Measuring High-Order Spatial Data Consistency
Lingqing Yao*, Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
15:05 Fri Sep 2nd 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0115. Porous media reconstruction conditioned to well information using multi-modal generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Zihan Ren*, Sanjay Srinivasan
15:30 Fri Sep 2nd 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0116. Direct Sampling Strategy for Extensive Hard Data-based Training Image
Sangga Rima Roman Selia*, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, van den Boogaart K. Gerald
15:55 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S02 Recent developments in machine learning techniques and quantum computing for geoscience applications
Teeratorn Kadeethum, Daniel O’Malley (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States of America), Hongkyu Yoon (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of America), Hamid M. Nick (The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)
Tue Aug 30th 105 10:00:00
S0201. A novel quantum machine learning approach for enhancing sweep efficiency mapping
Klemens Katterbauer*, Marko Maucec, Sara Abu Al Saud, Abdallah Al Shehri
10:00 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0202. Identification of groundwater contaminant source characteristics through artificial neural network
Daniele Secci*, Laura Molino, Andrea Zanini
10:25 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0204. FTAIGE: Opportunities and pitfalls in machine-learning-based fission-track analysis
Robert Arato*, Nils Keno Lünsdorf
10:50 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0205. Machine learning clinopyroxene thermobarometry – a solution for mafic-alkaline systems
Corin Jorgenson*, Oliver Higgins, Maurizio Petrelli, Guido Giordano, Luca Caricchi
11:15 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0206. Quantum Computing for Open-Pit Optimization
Malte Leander Schade*, Denise Degen, Florian Wellmann
11:40 Tue Aug 30th 105 POSTER
S0207. A geothermal heat flow model of Africa based on Random Forest Regression
Magued Al-Aghbary*, Mohamed Sobh, Christian Gerhards
11:42 Tue Aug 30th 105 POSTER
S0203. On the application of NLP techniques to French geological descriptions
Musaab Khalid*, Cécile Gracianne, Maelys Galant, Romain Darnault, Christelle Loiselet, Vincent Labbé
11:44 Tue Aug 30th 105 POSTER
Tue Aug 30th 106 14:35:00
S0209. Estimation of Sill Thickness by Classifier Algorithms Using Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Data
Ozge Akyildiz*, Hakan Basarir, Veena S. Vezhapparambu, Steinar Løve Ellefmo
14:35 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0210. SRGAN domain adaptation for super-resolving low-resolution aeromagnetic map: A case study in Québec, Canada
Mojtaba Bavandsavadkoohi, Matthieu Cedou, Martin Blouin , Erwan Gloaguen, Shiva Tirdad, Bernard Giroux
15:00 Tue Aug 30th 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0211. Speeding up the solution of the Richards equation through reduced order modeling
Teeratorn Kadeethum*, Daniel O'Malley, Hongkyu Yoon
15:25 Tue Aug 30th 106 REMOTE ORAL
Wed Aug 31st 106 15:00:00
S0212. Feature subset selection for lineaments detection
Bahman Abbassi*, Li Zhen Cheng
Cancelled: 15:00 Wed Aug 31st 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0213. Prediction of China's Copper Availability through a Machine Learning Framework
Yongguang Zhu*, Jinqi Fan, Deyi Xu
Cancelled: 15:25 Wed Aug 31st 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0214. Application and Evaluation of a Deep Learning Architecture to Urban Tree Canopy Mapping
Zhe Wang*
15:50 Wed Aug 31st 106 REMOTE ORAL
S03 Random patterns and shapes in spatio-temporal data
Aila Sarkka (Chalmers University of Technology), Radu Stoica (Université de Lorraine)
Tue Aug 30th 105 14:35:00
S0301. Nonparametric testing of the covariate significance under the presence of nuisance covariates for a spatial point pattern
Tomas Mrkvicka*
14:35 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0302. Spatial two-phase systematic cluster sampling with stratification
Juha Heikkinen*
15:00 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0303. Estimation of compression parameters from the pore system in polar ice
Claudia Redenbach*, Johannes Freitag, Martina Sormani, Tuomas Rajala, Aila Särkkä
15:25 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0304. Trends in Incidence and Transmission Patterns of COVID-19 in Valencia, Spain
Adina Iftimi*
16:30 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0305. Statistical learning for point processes
Ottmar Cronie*, Mehdi Moradi, Christophe Biscio
16:55 Tue Aug 30th 105 REMOTE ORAL
S0314. Pattern analysis and estimation of parameters for the HUG point process in order to characterize sources in hydrochemical data
Christophe Reype*, Antonin Richard, Madalina Deaconu, Radu Stoica
17:20 Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
Wed Aug 31st 105 09:50:00
S0308. False discovery rate envelopes with local spatial correlation and other applications
Mari Myllymäki*
09:50 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S0309. Marked point processes for astronomical applications
Elmo Tempel*
10:15 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S0310. Object-valued marked point processes
Matthias Eckardt*
10:40 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S0307. Construction of spatio-temporal networks from trajectory data - Application to infer tropospheric networks
Samuel Soubeyrand
11:05 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
Updated from: 05:45 PM Tue Aug 30th 105 ORAL
S0311. DRlib: a C++ library for point processes simulation and inference
Didier Gemmerle*, Radu Stefan Stoica, Christophe Reype
11:30 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
Updated from: 11:05 AM Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S0312. Detecting Abnormal Maritime Trajectories with Recurrent Neural Networks
Kristoffer Vinther Olesen*, Line Katrine Harder Clemmensen, Anders Nymark Christensen
11:32 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
Updated from: 11:07 AM Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S0313. Detecting large-scale structure of the Universe using photometric data with the Bisous model
Moorits Mihkel Muru*, Elmo Tempel
11:34 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
Updated from: 11:09 AM Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S04 Inverse problems
Thomas Bodin (Univ. Lyon), Kerry Gallagher (Univ. Rennes)
Wed Aug 31st auditorium 09:50:00
S0401. An iterative inversion scheme to reconcile implicit geological models and geometric geophysical inverse problems
Jeremie Giraud*, Guillaume Caumon, Lachlan Grose, Paul Cupillard
09:50 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0402. New opportunities for Monte Carlo inversion from generative models
Matthias Scheiter*, Andrew Valentine, Malcolm Sambridge
10:15 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0403. Inverting an Object Based geostatistical facies model with Ensemble Smoother Mutiple Data assimilation technique.
Pierre Biver, Augustin Gouy*, Ahanita Abadpour, Jessica Franco, Abbas Zerkoune
10:40 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0404. Stochastic joint inversion to improve model uncertainty quantification in Quaternary aquifers
Alexis Neven, Ludovic Schorpp, Philippe Renard
11:05 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0405. Implementation of a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for high temperature thermal history inversion using the Fast Grain Boundary model
Guillaume Siron*, Chloe Bonamici
11:30 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0406. Efficient inversion with complex geostatistical priors using neural transport
Shiran Levy*, Eric Laloy, Niklas Linde
11:55 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S0407. Hydrogeological multiple-point statistics inversion by adaptive sequential Monte Carlo
Macarena Amaya*, Niklas Linde, Eric Laloy
11:57 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S0408. CoFI - Linking geoscience inference problems with tools for their solution
Jiawen He*, Hannes Hollmann, Malcolm Sambridge, Juerg Hauser, Andrew P Valentine
11:59 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S0409. Overcomplete Tomography: A sparsity constrained approach to inversion
Buse Turunctur*, Andrew Valentine, Malcolm Sambridge
15:00 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0410. Bayesian inversion and uncertainty quantification in seabed geoacoustics
Stan Dosso*, Jan Dettmer, Charles W. Holland, Julien Bonnel, Dag Tollefsen, Yong-Min Jiang
15:25 Wed Aug 31st auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S0411. Inference of geostatistical hyperparameters with the correlated pseudo-marginal method
Lea Friedli*, Niklas Linde, David Ginsbourger, Alejandro F. Visentini, Arnaud Doucet
15:50 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0412. Geophysical data-mining using trans-dimensional algorithms: the case-study of earthquakes location
Nicola Piana Agostinetti*
16:15 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0413. Time-lapse seismic AVO inversion method by using Gradient descent optimization
Nisar Ahmed*, Wiktor Waldemar Weibull, Dario Grana, Tuhin Bhakta
16:40 Wed Aug 31st auditorium ORAL
S0414. Using deep learning to model gravity and seismic datasets with different spatial coverage
Mahtab Rashidifard*, Mark Jessell, Jeremie Giraud, Mark Lindsay
17:05 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S0415. A full interpretation applying a metaheuristic particle swarm for gravity data of an active mud diapir, SW Taiwan
Khalid Essa*, Yves Géraud, Marc Diraison
17:07 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S0416. Magnetic data interpretation for intruded bodies resembled dike-model using Bat algorithm optimization (BAO): sustainable development cases study
Khalid Essa*, Zein A. Diab
17:09 Wed Aug 31st auditorium POSTER
S05 Knowledge graphs in the cyberinfrastructure ecosystem of geosciences
Xiaogang Ma (University of Idaho), Chengbin Wang (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan)
Tue Aug 30th 101 14:35:00
S0501. Temporal topology in the deep-time knowledge base and applications in geoscience
Xiaogang Ma*
14:35 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S0502. Metallogenic prediction based on Knowledge Graph -- Taking pangxidong area in western Guangdong as an example
Zhang Qianlong*, Yongzhang Zhou, Feng Han
15:00 Tue Aug 30th 101 REMOTE ORAL
S0505. Impact of complex geological setting on the Hydrodynamic modeling Case of the Gabes aquifer system, SE Tunisia
Mohamed Amine Hammami*, Hayet CHIHI, Imen Mezni, Mohamedou Ould Baba Sy
15:25 Tue Aug 30th 101 REMOTE ORAL
S0503. A metadata and data entry and editing tool using ontologies for knowledge graph creation
Leon Steinmeier*, Karl Gerald van den Boogaart, Florian Rau, Theresa Schaller
15:50 Tue Aug 30th 101 POSTER
S0504. A Multi-granularity Geological Objects (Multi-GeoO) Knowledge Representation Framework
Wenjia Li, Xiaogang Ma*, Zhong Xie, Liang WU
15:52 Tue Aug 30th 101 POSTER
S06 Fractured geological media and fracture networks: flow, graphs, morphology
Rachid Ababou (IMFT - Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse), Israel CAÑAMÓN VALERA (Departamento de Ingeniería Geológica y Minera, ETSI de Minas y Energía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM))
Fri Sep 2nd 105 09:50:00
S0601. Stochastic Geomodelling of Karst Morphology by Dynamic Graph Dissolution
Rayan Kanfar*, Tapan Mukerji
09:50 Fri Sep 2nd 105 REMOTE ORAL
S0602. Exact algebraic approach to flow calculation and permeability upscaling in 2D fracture networks using graph operators
Rachid Ababou*, Philippe Renard
10:15 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0603. Statistical analysis and stochastic simulation of Fracture Networks
Francois Bonneau*, Radu S. Stoica
10:40 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0604. TOP 3D: Topological analysis of 3D fracture networks, graph representation, and percolation
Israel CAÑAMÓN VALERA, Tawfik Rajeh, Rachid Ababou, Manuel Marcoux
11:05 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0605. Modelling realistic fracture networks in a mechanically multilayered sequence: constraints from field observations and numerical modelling
Andrea Bistacchi*, Mattia Martinelli, Riccardo Castellanza, Stefano Casiraghi, Gloria Arienti, Giovanni Dal Piaz, Bruno Monopoli, Davide Bertolo
Cancelled: 11:30 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0606. Optimization of boreholes positions to maximize flux rate in a 3D Discrete Fractured Medium
Israel CAÑAMÓN VALERA, Borja Brasero Zabalete, Paola Cruz Amores
11:55 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0607. Fracture and karst modeling: an embedded workflow including fracture abutting and permeability enhancement with karst.
Pierre Biver*, Alan Irving, Patrick Henriquel, Nadège Vilasi-Marmier
14:40 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S0608. Graph-based scenario-testing of fluid pathways in 2D & 3D
mark jessell*, Guillaume Pirot, Vitaliy Ogarko, Uli Kelka, Mark Lindsay, Lachlan Grose, Rebecca Montsion, Stephane Perrouty
15:05 Fri Sep 2nd 105 ORAL
S07 Computational Petrology and Geochemistry
Pierre Lanari (University of Bern), Marion Garçon (Université Clermont Auvergne), Paolo Sossi (ETH Zurich)
Tue Aug 30th 106 10:00:00
S0701. Deducing the composition of Archean continents with a simple model for sediment geochemistry
Alex Lipp*, Oliver Shorttle, Sediment Geochem. and Paleoenv. Project Weathering Working
10:00 Tue Aug 30th 106 INVITED
S0702. Statistical optimization for geochemical classification of Precambrian igneous rocks
Rebecca Montsion*, Stéphane Perrouty, C Michael Lesher, Mark D Lindsay, Mark W Jessell
10:25 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0703. Development of a Python GUI application to automate EQ3/6 computations.
Guillaume Siron*, Alberto Vitale-Brovaronne, Simon W Matthews
10:50 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0704. MAGEMin, a new and efficient Gibbs free energy minimizer: application to igneous systems
Nicolas Riel*, Boris J.P. Kaus, Eleanor C.R Green, Nicolas Berlie
11:15 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0705. GeoPS: an efficient visual computing tool for thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria
Hua Xiang*
11:40 Tue Aug 30th 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0706. A Convolutional Neural Network to classify garnet grains in 3D
Philip Hartmeier*, Thorsten Andreas Markmann, Pierre Lanari
12:05 Tue Aug 30th 106 POSTER
S0707. Classification of chemical maps in XMapTools – Part 1: algorithms and strategy
Pierre Lanari*, Mahyra Tedeschi
12:07 Tue Aug 30th 106 POSTER
S0708. Classification of chemical maps in XMapTools – Part 2: performance evaluation and application examples
Mahyra Tedeschi*, Pierre Lanari
12:09 Tue Aug 30th 106 POSTER
S0710. Numerical advection schemes for an accurate and efficient modeling of magma ascent
Hugo Dominguez*, Pierre Lanari, Nicolas Riel
16:30 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0711. Numerical modeling of formation of a porphyry-copper ore shell: implications for the mechanism of metal enrichment
Fan Xiao*, Weilin Chen, Kaiqi Wang
16:55 Tue Aug 30th 106 REMOTE ORAL
S0712. Petro -geochemical modelling of subduction zone metamorphism: Interplays between rock and aqueous fluids
Thorsten Andreas Markmann, Pierre Lanari
17:20 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
S0713. Presentation of Thermotopes-COH, a software for isotopes calculations of C bearing species, and fluid speciation of COH-fluid
Antoine Boutier*, Alberto Vitale Brovarone, Isabelle Martinez, Isabelle Daniel
17:45 Tue Aug 30th 106 ORAL
Wed Aug 31st 106 09:50:00
S0714. Protocol for improving reproducibility and image acquisition quality for deep learning application in mineralogy
Arnaud Back*, Paul L. Bédard, Julien Maitre, Ghazanfar Latif, Kevin Bouchard
09:50 Wed Aug 31st 106 ORAL
S0715. Segmentation and correlation of zoned crystals from 2D chemical compositional maps
Tom Sheldrake*, Oliver Higgins, Luca Caricchi
10:15 Wed Aug 31st 106 ORAL
S0716. Machine supported mineralogical interpretations from hyperspectral and geochemical datasets
Angela Rodrigues*, Laurent Ailleres, Lachlan Grose, Robin Armit, Matthew Cracknell, Mehrtash Harandi, Angela Escolme, Scott Halley, Himashi Peiris
10:40 Wed Aug 31st 106 ORAL
S0717. Supported development and application of machine-learning models on mineral X-ray maps: the software X-Min Learn
Alberto D'Agostino*, Gaetano Ortolano, Roberto Visalli, Michele Zucali
11:05 Wed Aug 31st 106 ORAL
S0718. Two-dimensional thermodynamic forward model of water transport in subduction zones to calculate the globally subducted water – a tool to quantify and visualize differences in thermodynamic datasets and equations of state
Nils Benjamin Gies*, Matthias Konrad-Schmolke
11:30 Wed Aug 31st 106 ORAL
S0719. From data to model: Microstructure aware models for reactive transport in granitoid rocks
Solveig Pospiech*, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Vinzenz Brendler, Kai Bachmann, Joachim Krause, K. G. van den Boogaart
11:55 Wed Aug 31st 106 POSTER
S0720. Presenting a new tool for working with spatial spectroscopic data
Nils Benjamin Gies*, Jörg Hermann, Pierre Lanari
11:57 Wed Aug 31st 106 POSTER
S0721. Quantitative compositional mapping by LA-ICP-MS: a software solution for multi-phase application
Thorsten Andreas Markmann*, Pierre Lanari, Francesca Piccoli, Mona Lüder
11:59 Wed Aug 31st 106 POSTER
S08 Analyzing compositional data in geosciences
Jennifer McKinley (Queen's University Belfast), Karel Hron (Palacky University), Alessandra Menafoglio (Politecnico di Milano)
Tue Aug 30th auditorium 14:35:00
S0801. Deviations from compositional equilibria
Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn, Juan José Egozcue, Antonella Buccianti
14:35 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0802. Prediction of the rock mass class with machine learning models trained on synthesised data.
Alla Sapronova*, Paul Johannes Unterlas, Thomas Dickmann, Jozsef Hecht-Méndez, Thomas Marcher
15:00 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0803. Soil organic carbon mapping combining environmental and depth information
Mo Zhang*, Wenjiao Shi, Yong Ge
15:25 Tue Aug 30th auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S0804. Classification of mineral grains using finite mixture models
Tom Sheldrake*, Oliver Higgins
15:50 Tue Aug 30th auditorium POSTER
S0805. Compositional-Category-Based modeling: a new insight for geochemical anomaly classification
Behnam Sadeghi*, Eric Grunsky
15:52 Tue Aug 30th auditorium POSTER
S0806. Compositional scalar-on-function regression with application to sedimentary geochemistry
Karel Hron*, Tomas Matys Grygar
16:30 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0807. Compositional MAF and random forest analysis of geochemical data to reveal geochemical signatures for sustainable resource availability and environmental resilience
Jennifer McKinley*, Ute Mueller, Eric Grunsky, Ray Scanlon, Vincent Gallagher, Laura Smith, Mairead Fitzsimons, Mark Cooper
16:55 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0808. Predictive Lithologic Mapping and Prediction of Potential Mineral Resources using a Probabilistic Approach with Multivariate Methods: a case study in Western Yilgarn, Australia
Behnam Sadeghi*, Eric Grunsky
17:20 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0809. Case studies based on CoDA and ML
BingLi Liu*
17:45 Tue Aug 30th auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S09 Filters and smoothers. Filters or smoothers?
Jaime Gomez-Hernandez (Technical University of Valencia), Liangping Li (South Datoka School of Mines and Technology, USA)
Tue Aug 30th auditorium 10:00:00
S0901. An open-source software package for the solution of generic inverse problems implementing ES-MDA
Valeria Todaro*, Marco D'Oria, Maria Giovanna Tanda, J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández
10:00 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0902. Ensemble Smoother Multiple Data Assimilation in hydrogeological modeling
Thomas Beraud*, Maxime Claprood, Erwan Gloaguen
10:25 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0903. Model-based ensemble Kalman filter
Håkon Tjelmeland*, Håkon Gryvill, Margrethe Kvale Loe
10:50 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0904. Structural Geologic Modelling and Restoration by Ensemble Kalman Inversion
David Oakley*, Nestor Cardozo
11:15 Tue Aug 30th auditorium ORAL
S0905. Ensemble-Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation for Assisted History Matching of Geological Facies using Multi-Point Statistics Pyramid: a Case Study of Turbiditic Multi Facies System
Alireza Nahvi, Anahita Abadpour, Jessica Franco, Abbas Zerkoune*
11:40 Tue Aug 30th auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S0906. Coupling optimization and the ensemble Kalman filter for multiple source contaminant identification
Alicia Sanz-Prat*, J. Jaime Gómez-Hernández
12:05 Tue Aug 30th auditorium POSTER
S10 Mining geostatistics, optimization and geometallurgy
Jörg Benndorf (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Julian M. Ortiz (Department of Mining, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada), Raimon Tolosana-Delgado (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, HZDR), K. Gerald van den Boogaart
Wed Aug 31st 102 09:50:00
S1001. High-Order Block-Support Simulation and its Benefits to the Simultaneous Stochastic Optimization of Mining Complexes
Joao Pedro De Carvalho*, Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
09:50 Wed Aug 31st 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1002. Future Knowledge in Geometallurgical Mining Optimization
K. Gerald van den Boogaart*, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado
10:15 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1003. Geostatistics and Machine Learning for anticipation of production impairments An application to the Grande Côte Operations HM deposit, Senegal.
Christophe Bessin*, Pierre Boszczuk
10:40 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1004. Geostatistical Domaining accounting for Geological Knowledge and Rock Quality in a Copper Porphyry Deposit
Nasser Madani*, Mohammad Maleki
11:05 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1005. Incorporation of Sequential Gaussian Simulation into Discrete Rate Simulation for Control of Cyanide Consumption in Au-Ag Vein Mining
Javier Órdenes*, Felipe Peña-Graf, Samuel Cantor, Alessandro Navarra
11:30 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1006. Application of machine learning to predict gold recovery at the Sari-gunay deposit, Iran
Zahra Nourizenouz*, Max Frenzel, Jens Gutzmer
11:55 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
S1007. Predicting hardness in iron ore blast holes using MWD
John Zigman, Katherine Silversides*, Rami Khushaba
11:57 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
S1008. Modelling microstructures with flexible Laguerre Mosaics
Raimon Tolosana-Delgado*, Sebastian Avalos, K. Gerald van den Boogaart, Max Frenzel, Julian M. Ortiz, Lucas Pereira, Alvaro Riquelme
11:59 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
S1009. A Hybrid Method for Quantifying Anisotropic Scale Invariance of Geochemical Anomalies and Identifying Multi-element Anomalous Signature of Cu–Polymetallic Deposits in Zhongdian, Yunan Province
Mengyu Zhao*
15:00 Wed Aug 31st 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1010. Utilising local varying anisotropy in the multivariate conditional simulation model of Olympic Dam deposit
Ilnur Minniakhmetov*, David Clarke
15:25 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1011. Comparison of multiGaussian transforms in multivariate geostatistical simulation
Sultan Abulkhair*, Peter Dowd, Chaoshui Xu
15:50 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1012. Multivariate morphing transformation: Fundamentals and challenges
Sebastian Avalos*, Julian M. Ortiz, Oy Leuangthong
16:15 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1013. Application of SPDE method to a continental-fluvial uranium ore body and comparison with classical methods
Marie-Cécile Febvey*, Nicolas Desassis, Didier RENARD
16:40 Wed Aug 31st 102 ORAL
S1015. Use of the specific surface to measure the efficiency of grids of drillholes and classify the resources of a set of 2D mineral deposits.
Marie-Cécile Febvey*, Jacques Rivoirard
17:05 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
S1016. Geoscience workflows using ioGAS Software
Putra Sadikin, Rob Wall*
17:07 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
S1025. Improving geological model reporting under the JORC Code
Scott McManus*, Azizur Rahman, Jacqui Coombes, Ana Horta
17:09 Wed Aug 31st 102 POSTER
Thu Sep 1st 102 15:00:00
S1017. Modelling of Unequally Sampled Geometallurgical Properties using Geostatistical Simulations and Machine Learning
Will Patton, Ute Mueller, Hassan Talebi, Ilnur Minniakhmetov
15:00 Thu Sep 1st 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1018. Automatic Variogram Inference Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Abdelkerim Mokdad*, Behrang Koushavand, Jeff Boisvert
15:25 Thu Sep 1st 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1019. Self-organizing maps in analyzing hyperspectral drill core imaging data
Johanna Torppa*, Samuli Haavikko, Markku Korhonen, Juha Köykkä, Kati Laakso, Maarit Middleton, Vesa Nykänen, Jarmo Rauhala, Akseli Torppa, Tuomo Törmänen
15:50 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1020. Inferring parameters of 3D particles microstructures from 2D sections using statistical learning
Julian M. Ortiz, Sebastian Avalos, Max Frenzel, Lucas Pereira, Alvaro Riquelme, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, K. Gerald van den Boogaart
16:15 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1021. Pedras 1.0.0: A Python library for modal mineralogy calculations from routine assay data
Angela Rodrigues*, Lachlan Grose, Laurent Ailleres, Scott Halley, Angela Escolme, Robin Armit, Mehrtash Harandi, Matthew Cracknell
16:40 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
Fri Sep 2nd 102 09:50:00
S1022. Graph Theory Tools for Hierarchical Analysis of Rock Types
Harold Velasquez*, Clayton C.V.D. Deutsch
09:50 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S1023. Mineral and lithology classification on Ernest Henry Au-Cu deposit using hyperspectral and RGB data
Shaoqiu Zheng, Katherine Silversides*, Mehala Balamurali
10:15 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S1024. Definition of Geological Domains with Ensemble Support Vector Classification
Kasimcan Koruk, Julian M. Ortiz*
10:40 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S11 Preserving realistic geology in statistical and mathematical geomodels
Ingrid Aarnes (Norsk Regnesentral /Norwegian Computing Center), Jacob Skauvold (Norsk Regnesentral /Norwegian Computing Center), Carl Jacquemyn (Dept. of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London)
Fri Sep 2nd 101 09:50:00
S1101. Checking for geological truth in our 3D models; a knowledge based approach
Marion Parquer, Eric A de Kemp, Boyan Brodaric
09:50 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S1102. Constrained, process-based, stochastic, explicit revervoir modelling - One step at a time.
Jean-Claude Dulac*
10:15 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S1103. A rule-based reservoir stacking model with effective well conditioning
Oscar Ovanger*
10:40 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S1104. Conditional simulations of process-based reservoir models using particle filtering: application to Loranca basin, Spain
Alan Troncoso*, Xavier Freulon, Christian Lantuejoul, Fabien Ors, Jacques Rivoirard
11:05 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S1105. Discrete karst network simulations: application to the Barrois limestones
Augustin Gouy*, Pauline Collon, Vincent Bailly-Comte, Philippe Landrein
11:30 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S1106. Three dimensional modelling of igneous sills: application to the Tasmanian dolerites in the Hobart district
Fernanda Alvarado Neves*, Laurent Ailleres, Lachlan Grose, Alexander Cruden, Robin Armit
11:55 Fri Sep 2nd 101 ORAL
S12 Spatial Associations
Yongze Song (Curtin University), Qiuming Cheng (China University of Geosciences, Beijing)
Thu Sep 1st 101 15:00:00
S1201. Identifying Spatial Disparities of Power-law Scaling in Nation-wide Industrial Regions
Zehua Zhang*, Yongze Song
15:00 Thu Sep 1st 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1202. Reconstruct the Fine-resolution Urban Apparent Temperature (Humidex) Combined with Canopy Parameter
Xilin Wu*, Yong Ge, Qingsheng Liu, Daoyi Gong
15:25 Thu Sep 1st 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1203. Holographic Digital Earth
Shoutao Jiao*, Yueqin Zhu, rongmei liu, Zhenji Gao, Lingling Yuan
15:50 Thu Sep 1st 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1204. Understanding spatially varying relationships in environmental studies
Chaosheng Zhang*
16:15 Thu Sep 1st 101 ORAL
S1205. Key Technologies of Multiscale 3D Geological Model Database for Resource and Environment Big Data Integration and Sharing
Chen Genshen*, Gang Liu, Qiyu Chen, Xuechao Wu
16:40 Thu Sep 1st 101 REMOTE ORAL
S13 Structural modelling: Parametrisation and Interpolation of Sub-Surface Architectures
Gautier Laurent (Univ. Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, ISTO, UMR 7327, F-45071, Orléans, France), Lachlan Grose (Monash University), Simon Lopez (BRGM)
Tue Aug 30th 101 10:00:00
S1301. Advances in Implicit 3D Geological Modelling using Implicit Neural Representations
Michael Hillier*, Florian Wellmann, Boyan Brodaric, Eric de Kemp, Karine Bedard
10:00 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1302. 3D structural geomodelling of complexly deformed basement units: the Aosta Valley case study (Western Alps, Italy)
Gloria Arienti*, Andrea Bistacchi, Giorgio Vittorio Dal Piaz, Giovanni Dal Piaz, Bruno Monopoli, Davide Bertolo, Gabriele Benedetti
10:25 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1303. A field sampling workflow for Fold Geometry modelling
Rabii Chaarani*, Lachlan LG Grose, Laurent LA Ailleres, Robin Armit, Laurent Gautier
10:50 Tue Aug 30th 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1304. Knowledge-guided process for Semantic geological structure detection and representation
Imadeddine Laouici*, Gautier Laurent, Christelle Loiselet, Yannick Branquet
11:15 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1305. Combinatorial and topological considerations for conducting angular distance measurements between geological interfaces
Michal Michalak*, Filip Turoboś, Paweł Gładki
11:40 Tue Aug 30th 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1306. A Bayesian framework for the inversion of geological maps for fault geometry
Lachlan Grose, Laurent Ailleres
12:05 Tue Aug 30th 101 POSTER
S1307. On some comparison metrics between 3D implicit structural models.
Guillaume Caumon*
12:07 Tue Aug 30th 101 POSTER
S1308. Subsampling Structural Data for Multiscale 3D Geological Modelling
Ranee Joshi, Mark Jessell, Mark Lindsay, Tim Ivanic
12:09 Tue Aug 30th 101 POSTER
S1309. A spline-based regularized method for the reconstruction of geological models from sparse data
Belhachmi Ayoub*, Bernard Mourrain, Azeddine Benabbou
16:30 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1310. Building on 50 years of geomodelling: walking a tightrope between tradition and clean slate
Nicolas Clausolles*, Thomas Janvier, Simon Lopez
16:55 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1311. Hypersurface curvatures of seismic attributes
Anne-Laure Tertois*, Igor Ravve, Zvi Koren
17:20 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S1312. Loop - An open-source, integrative 3D geological modelling platform
Laurent Ailleres*, Lachlan Grose, Mark W. Jessell, Gautier Laurent, Robin Armit
17:45 Tue Aug 30th 101 ORAL
S14 Machine learning-based mineral prospectivity mapping
Renguang Zuo (China University of Geosciences), John Carranza (University of the Free State)
Wed Aug 31st 105 15:00:00
S1401. Machine learning in Prospectivity Modeling: Feature Engineering, Selection and Integration
Alok Porwal*
15:00 Wed Aug 31st 105 INVITED
S1402. Automated regional-scale exploration targeting of REEs in western Rajasthan, northwest India.
Malcolm Aranha*, Alok Porwal
15:25 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S1403. Exploration targeting at the Rajapalot Au-Co project in Finland – Application of machine learning methods for identification and prioritization of drilling targets at the prospect scale.
Bijal Chudasama*, Johanna Torppa
15:50 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S1404. Hybrid mineral predictive mapping with self-organizing maps and a multilayer perceptron applied to tin deposits in the Erzgebirge, Germany
Andreas Brosig*, Andreas Barth, Peggy Hielscher, Claus Legler, Stefan Schaefer, Peter Bock, Andreas Knobloch
16:15 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S1405. Predictivity modelling from multivariate environments coupling Disc-Based Association and Random Forest analyses
Alex Vella*, Guillaume Bertrand, Bruno Tourlière, Eric Gloaguen, Vincent Labbé, Charles Gumiaux, Stanislas Sizaret
16:40 Wed Aug 31st 105 ORAL
S1406. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Exploration Targeting for Small Scale Gold Mining Operations in the Dunkwa Area, Ghana
Andreas Barth, Samuel Torkornoo, Kwame Boamah, Andreas Brosig*, Delira Hanelli, Stefan Schaefer, Ekow Bartels, Isaac Karikari, Daniel Boamah
17:05 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S1407. Data integration and machine learning applications on the unconformity-related uranium mineral system of Athabasca basin
Marion Parquer*, Patrick Ledru, Anthony Le Beux, Rémy Chemillac
17:07 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S1408. Developing a Unified Exploration Model using a Bayesian hierarchical framework
Ehsanollah Baninajar*
17:09 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S1409. Entity and Relationship Extraction From Geological Document Based on The Method of Deep Learning
Feng Han*, Guangliang Cheng, Jing Bian, Qianlong Zhang, Yongzhang Zhou
17:11 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
S1410. Mineral Prospectivity Mapping Using a Combination of Cell-Based Association and Gradient Boosting Methods: Investigating Gold Occurrences in French Brittany
Hugo Breuillard*, Vincent Labbé, Jan Mortier, Bruno Tourlière, Alex Vella, Guillaume Bertrand
17:13 Wed Aug 31st 105 POSTER
Thu Sep 1st 105 09:50:00
S1411. A geologically-constrained deep learning algorithm for mapping mineral prospectivity
Renguang Zuo*, Yihui Xiong
09:50 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1412. Research on metallogenic prediction method based on multi-scale 3D fine geological model and big data mining
Xuechao Wu*, Gang Liu
Cancelled: 10:15 Thu Sep 1st 105 ORAL
S1413. Spatial-associated deep transfer learning for three-dimensional mineral prospectivity modeling in deep-seated areas
Yang Zheng*, Hao Deng, Jin Chen, Xiancheng Mao
10:40 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1414. Geochemical Anomaly Detection Based on Auto-encoder Network
Sheng Chang*, Tao Huang, Yunzhen Chang, chongyang li, Xinglin Gao, Ruiqing Yan, Xianchuan Yu
11:05 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1415. CoalSVModel: A MATLAB GUI for Coal Seam Modelling with Support Vector Machines
Gunes Ertunc*
11:30 Thu Sep 1st 105 ORAL
S1416. Study on metallogenic prediction method based on multi-scale three-dimensional fine geological model and big data mining——Taking Wuzhishan lead zinc mine in Guizhou Province as an example
Xuechao Wu*, Gang Liu
Cancelled: 11:55 Thu Sep 1st 105 POSTER
. Discrimination of geochemical anomalies using geological constraints and geochemical landscape modeling
Haicheng Wang*, Zhaoxian Yuan, Qiuming Cheng, Shengyuan Zhang, Behnam Sadeghi
Cancelled: 11:57 Thu Sep 1st 105 POSTER
S1421. The behavior of hydrothermal mineralization with spatial variations of the fluid pressure
Yihui Xiong*, Renguang Zuo
15:00 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1422. Deep Auto-encoder applied to mapping prospectivity for Ag-Au deposits
Xiaotong Yu*, Yongzhang Zhou
Cancelled: 15:25 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1423. Extraction of Weak Geochemical Anomalies Based on Multiple-Point Geostatistics and Local Singularity Analysis
Wenyao Fan*, Gang Liu, Qiyu Chen, Laijun Lu
15:50 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S1424. Positive and unlabelled bagging for mineral prospectivity mapping
Ehsan Farahbakhsh*, R. Dietmar Muller
16:15 Thu Sep 1st 105 REMOTE ORAL
S15 Time series analysis in Geosciences: an homage to Professor Walther Schwarzacher
Jennifer McKinley (Queen's University Belfast), Eulogio Pardo-Igúzquiza (Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana)
Wed Aug 31st 101 09:50:00
S1501. A comparison of gap filling methods: a study case in Northern Italy
Camilla Fagandini, Valeria Todaro, Maria Giovanna Tanda, Andrea Zanini
09:50 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S1502. Maximum entropy cross-spectral analysis of compositional time series in cyclostratigraphy
Juan Jose Egozcue Rubi*, Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza, Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn
10:15 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S1503. Oxygen data assimilation in river systems
Thomas Romary*, Shuaitao Wang, Masihullah Hasanyar, Nicolas Flipo
10:40 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S1504. Seismicity since 1500 in Hunan Area,China
Bateer Wu*, ShuQi Hu
11:05 Wed Aug 31st 101 REMOTE ORAL
S1506. Sorting signals recorded during EDX experiments
Sadeg Said*, EL Hadi Djarmoun, Cecile Fabre, Jean Cauzid
11:30 Wed Aug 31st 101 POSTER
S16 Reservoir/Petroleum Geostatistics
Juliana Leung (University of Alberta), Sanjay Srinivasan (Pennsylvania State University)
Thu Sep 1st auditorium 09:50:00
S1601. Fast Detection of Geobodies in 3D Seismic with Unsupervised Segmentation
Quentin Corlay*, Dan Arnold, Dave McCarthy, Vasily Demyanov
09:50 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S1602. A Bayesian methodology for real-time updating of well trajectory in depositional space
Julien Herrero*, Guillaume Caumon, Paul Baville
10:15 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S1603. A model selection workflow for assimilating time-lapse seismic data in models for point bar geologic system.
Ismael Dawuda*, Sanjay Srinivasan
10:40 Thu Sep 1st auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S1604. Bayesian Seismic Rock Physics Inversion Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Mina Spremic*, Jo Eidsvik, Per Avseth
11:05 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S1605. Bayesian inversion with shortest locally varying anisotropic (LVA) paths
Jeff Boisvert, Anton Bogrash*, Mauricio Sacchi
11:30 Thu Sep 1st auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S1606. Comparing Uncertainty Quantification Between 2D and 3D Geostatistical Modeling Workflows
Amir Mahdi Latifi*, Eric Niven, Jeff Boisvert
11:55 Thu Sep 1st auditorium POSTER
S1607. Dynamic connectivity measures on turbidite channel complex architectures
Enrico Scarpa*, Pauline Collon, Irina Panfilov, Christophe Antoine, Guillaume Caumon
11:57 Thu Sep 1st auditorium POSTER
S1609. How to capture high-resolution continuous facies geobodies across wells in a geomodeling workflow? Example from an outcrop and from a subsurface dataset from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin
Thomas Jerome*, Carolyn M. Furlong, Simon S.P. Poirier, Per K. Pedersen
11:59 Thu Sep 1st auditorium POSTER
Fri Sep 2nd auditorium 09:50:00
S1610. Facies modeling using unstructured grid, a groundwater field case: the Roussillon coastal aquifer.
Pierre Biver*, Francis Morandini, Philippe Renard, Yvan Caballero, Valentin Dall'Alba
09:50 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S1611. GANSim-3D for conditional geomodelling: theory and field application
Suihong Song*, Tapan Mukerji, Jiagen Hou, Dongxiao Zhang
10:15 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S1612. Generation of Synthetic Compressional Travel Time using Well-Logging-Learning Model and Its Application to the Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Field, Republic of Korea
Minsoo Ji*, Seoyoon Kwon, Kyungbook Lee, Sungil Kim, Baehyun Min
10:40 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S1613. Quantifying Uncertainty in 3D Facies Modeling Using MCRF with Lateral Gradational Fields
Jonas Kloeckner*, Zhen Yin, Paulo R. M. Carvalho, Diego M. Marques, João Felipe C. L. Costa, Jef Caers
11:05 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S1614. Sequential Determination of Well Placements using Multi-modal Convolutional Neural Network for the Optimal Primary Recovery at an Oil Reservoir
Seoyoon Kwon*, Minsoo Ji, Min Kim, Baehyun Min
11:30 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S1615. Multifractal-based Quantitative Characterization of Micropore Structures in Burial Dissolution of Carbonate Reservoirs
Jiayi Ma*, Shuyun Xie, Cunli Jiao, Min She, Tianfu Zhang, Zhiwei Kuang
11:55 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S17 Spatiotemporal Geostatistics
Dionissios Hristopulos (Technical University of Crete), Sandra De Iaco (University of Salento, Italy)
Tue Aug 30th 102 10:00:00
S1701. Blind source separation for multivariate stationary space-time data
Christoph Muehlmann, Sandra De Iaco, Klaus Nordhausen*
10:00 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1702. Downscaling of Nighttime Lights using Geographically Weighted Area-to-Area Regression Kriging
Nikolaos Tziokas*, Ce Zhang, Garyfallos, G/Ch Drolias, Peter, P/M Atkinson
10:25 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1703. Generating large spatiotemporal precipitation fields moving across a region
Sofia Nerantzaki*, Dionissios T. Hristopulos, Simon Michael Papalexiou
10:50 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1704. Simulation of Complex Multivariate Relationships Based on a Non-Stationary Corregionalization Model
Alvaro Riquelme*, Julian M. Ortiz
11:15 Tue Aug 30th 102 ORAL
S1705. A general geospatial interpolation framework with locally varying anisotropy
Zhanglin Li*, Xialin Zhang, Rui Zhu, Zhengping Weng, Zhiting Zhang , Gang Liu
11:40 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1706. Stochastic Local Interaction Models for Gap Filling of Gridded Datasets
Dionissios Hristopulos*, Emmanouil A. Varouchakis, George P. Petropoulos
12:05 Tue Aug 30th 102 POSTER
S1707. Spatio-temporal modeling with stochastic partial differential equations: simulation and inference
Lucia Clarotto*, Denis Allard, Nicolas Desassis, Thomas Romary
16:30 Tue Aug 30th 102 ORAL
S1709. A comparative analysis among the spatio-temporal complex covariance functions for vectorial data
Claudia Cappello*, Sandra De Iaco, Sabrina Maggio
16:55 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1710. Modeling and predictions of spatiotemporal environmental data
Claudia Cappello, Monica Palma*
17:20 Tue Aug 30th 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1711. Stochastic Local Interaction Models for Space-Time Processes
Dionissios Hristopulos*
17:45 Tue Aug 30th 102 ORAL
S18 Uncertainty Modeling
Florian Wellmann (RWTH Aachen University), Clare Bond (University of Aberdeen)
Thu Sep 1st 102 09:50:00
S1801. Can we parameterize geological conceptual models in a continuous space?
Guillaume Pirot*, Mark W Jessell, Mark D Lindsay
09:50 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1802. Two dimensional seismic fault network interpretation using marked point processes
Fabrice Taty Moukati*, Guillaume Caumon, Radu Stefan Stoica, François Bonneau
10:15 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1803. Linking Implicit Geometric and Kinematic Modeling of the Eastern Alps for Uncertainty Estimation
Sofia Brisson*, Florian Wellmann, Christoph von Hagke , Josefine Ziegler, Jan von Harten, Nils Chudalla
10:40 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1804. Assessment of geophysical monitoring strategies for CO2 storage using ensemble-based methods and value of information analysis
Susan Anyosa*, Jo Eidsvik, Dario Grana
11:05 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1805. Stochastic velocity modeling for structural uncertainty assessment during migration: application to salt body imaging
Nicolas Clausolles*, Pauline Collon, Guillaume Caumon, Modeste Irakarama
11:30 Thu Sep 1st 102 ORAL
S1806. Accounting for uncertainties in soil pollution simulation by metamodeling
Raphaël Périllat*, Claire-Eleuthèriane Gerrer, Sylvain Girard , David Pitaval, Juliette Chastanet
11:55 Thu Sep 1st 102 POSTER
S1807. Automated hierarchical 3D modeling of Quaternary aquifers - the ArchPy approach
Ludovic Schorpp*, Julien Straubhaar, Alexis Neven, Philippe Renard
11:57 Thu Sep 1st 102 POSTER
Fri Sep 2nd 102 14:40:00
S1808. A Geocognitive Approach to Epistemic Uncertainty Exploration
Gautier Laurent*, Lachlan Grose, Imadeddine Laouici
14:40 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S1809. Combination of hierarchical clustering and geostatistical simulation for delineating Au rich zones and interpretating ore generation process in an epithermal vein-type deposit
Vitor de Sá*, Toshiki Muraoka, Shohei Albert Tomita, Koike Katsuaki
15:05 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S1810. Uncertainty Quantification of depositional and structural properties with Generative Deep Learning and Graph Convolutions
Gleb Shishaev*, Vasily Demyanov, Daniel Arnold
15:30 Fri Sep 2nd 102 REMOTE ORAL
S1811. Computer-assisted stochastic multi-well correlation: Depositional surface interpolation versus theoretical depositional profile
Paul Baville*, Marcus Apel, Silvan Hoth, Dirk Knaust, Christophe Antoine, Cédric Carpentier, Guillaume Caumon
15:55 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S19 Up-Scaling of Flow and Transport Models
Benoit Noetinger (IFPEN), Marco Dentz (CSIC)
Fri Sep 2nd 106 09:50:00
S1901. Reservoir characterization by graphs.
Tatiana Chugunova*, Mohammad Sajjad Moradi, Maël Simon
09:50 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S1902. Upscaling permeability from unstructured meshes to non-matching structured grids. First results
Mustapha Zakari*, Guillaume Caumon
10:15 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S1903. Comparison between ECPM and DFN approach for fractured media flow and transport simulation.
Quentin Courtois, Romain L.G. Le Goc, Philippe D. Davy, Caroline D. Darcel, Benoit P. Pinier
10:40 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S1904. About non-linear diffusion in porous and fractured1 media: Early- and late-time regimes
Benoit Noetinger*, Noetinger Benoit, Sina MOMENI, Frédéric Douarche, Benjamin Braconnier, Michel Quintard
11:05 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S1905. Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Dissolution in Porous Media: Upscaling the Mass Exchange Coefficient
Narges Dashtbesh*, Fabrice Golfier, Anne-Julie Tinet, Constantin Oltean, Michel Quintard
11:30 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S1906. Numerical assessment of thermo-hydraulic properties of Sphagnum moss, lichen and peat from a permafrost-dominated Arctic wetland.
Simon Cazaurang*, Manuel Marcoux, Oleg S. Pokrovsky, Sergey V. Loiko, Artem G. Lim, Stéphane Audry, Liudmila S. Shirokova, Laurent Orgogozo
11:55 Fri Sep 2nd 106 ORAL
S20 Meshing and simulation of subsurface processes
Christian Boehm (ETHZ), Tara LaForce (Sandia National Lab), Jeanne Pellerin (TotalEnergies)
Wed Aug 31st 101 15:00:00
S2001. Local 3D meshed geomodel updating: geometry and topology
Capucine Legentil*, Jeanne Pellerin, Paul Cupillard, Guillaume Caumon
15:00 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S2002. Quadrangular adaptive meshing for wave simulation in homogenized media
Marius Rapenne*, Guillaume Caumon, Paul Cupillard, Corentin Gouache
15:25 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S2003. Application of time reversal simulation with an homogenized velocity model: Case of Groningen gas field.
Zoe Renat*, Paul Cupillard, Guillaume Caumon
15:50 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S2004. Hexahedral grid honoring complex faults and wells for coupled flow-geomechanics simulations
Wan-Chiu LI*, Cedric Borgese, Alexandre Benedicto, Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov
16:15 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S2005. Optimal hybrid mesh for flow simulations
Margaux RAGUENEL*, Wan-Chiu LI, Cédric Borgese, Antoine Mazuyer
16:40 Wed Aug 31st 101 ORAL
S2006. High-order homogenization for simulating local effects of small-scale structures on seismic waves
Paul Cupillard*, Wim Mulder
17:05 Wed Aug 31st 101 POSTER
S2007. Hybrid pressure approximation for coupled flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media
Jumanah Al Kubaisy*, Pablo Salinas, Matthew D. Jackson
17:07 Wed Aug 31st 101 POSTER
S2008. Numerical pore-scale modeling of dilatant gas flow using a coupled LBM-spring model and interpolated bounce-back boundary
Luyu WANG, Anne-Julie Tinet*, Fabrice Golfier, Constantin Oltean
17:09 Wed Aug 31st 101 POSTER
Thu Sep 1st auditorium 15:00:00
S2009. Automated Meshing for Simulations of Subsurface Contaminants
Tara LaForce*, William K Eymold
15:00 Thu Sep 1st auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S2010. Evaluation of mesh quality for CO2 geological sequestration
Antoine Mazuyer*, Jeanne Pellerin, Margaux RAGUENEL
15:25 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S2011. Reduced-Order Modelling of Tabular Sand Bodies for Performance Assessment Simulations of CO2 Storage Sites
Stephan Matthai*, Anne-Laure Tertois
15:50 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S2012. Numerical modeling of gas drainage and drying in nanoporous media by SPH method
Nathan Amrofel*, Magdalena Dymitrowska, Amaël Obliger, Anne-Julie Tinet, Fabrice Golfier
16:15 Thu Sep 1st auditorium ORAL
S2013. A coupled numerical simulation model of heat and flow for the dynamic process of porphyry magma intruding-cooling based on phase transformation
Kaiqi Wang*
16:40 Thu Sep 1st auditorium REMOTE ORAL
S21 Landscape evolution models: tectonics, relief, climate
Sebastien Carretier (IRD, GET), Jean Braun (GFZ)
Thu Sep 1st 101 09:50:00
S2101. Data science for complex earth systems: A hybrid approach
Hui Tang*
09:50 Thu Sep 1st 101 INVITED
S2102. Recent advances in dune physics using a real-space cellular automaton laboratory
Clement Narteau*
10:15 Thu Sep 1st 101 INVITED
S2103. A Schaerfetter-Gummel based model for glacier modeling
Mustapha Zakari*, Jérôme Lavé
10:40 Thu Sep 1st 101 ORAL
S2104. Unified landslide hazard assessment using hurdle models: a case study in the Island of Dominica
Erin Bryce*, Luigi Lombardo, Cees J van Westen, Hakan Tanyas, Daniela Castro-Camilo
11:05 Thu Sep 1st 101 ORAL
S2105. Inverting two-dimensional landscapes for uplift histories
Alex Lipp*, Conor O'Malley, Gareth G Roberts
11:30 Thu Sep 1st 101 POSTER
S22 Mathematical Geodynamic
Paul Cupillard (Univ. Lorraine), Florian Wellmann (RWTH Aachen )
Tue Aug 30th 102 14:35:00
S2201. Mathematical equation recovers acceleration of the Supercontinent cycle
Arnaud Broussolle*
14:35 Tue Aug 30th 102 ORAL
S2202. Automatic tools for quantitative analysis of multi - scale spatial slip variabilities from DEM and DOM
Sophie Viseur*, T. Lamara, G. Parel, L Benedetti
15:00 Tue Aug 30th 102 ORAL
S2203. Absolute and relative motion of three tectonic plates assuming two fixed Euler poles: I. Rotation of plates with quaternions
Helmut Schaeben*, Uwe Kroner, Tobias Stephan
15:25 Tue Aug 30th 102 POSTER
S2204. Absolute and relative motion of three tectonic plates: II. Applications
Uwe Kroner*, Tobias Stephan, Helmut Schaeben
15:27 Tue Aug 30th 102 POSTER
S23 Digital Outcrops
Pauline Collon (GeoRessources - ENSG, Universite de Lorraine, CNRS), Sophie Viseur (CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Université), Andrea Bistacchi (Universita' degli Studi di Milano Bicocca)
Fri Sep 2nd auditorium 14:40:00
S2301. A semi-automatic workflow for fracture network characterization on large Digital Outcrop Models
Stefano Casiraghi*, Andrea Bistacchi, Federico Agliardi, Bruno Monopoli, Gloria Arienti, Giovanni Dal Piaz, Davide Bertolo, Gabriele Benedetti
Cancelled: 14:40 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S2302. Applying Image Analysis and Segmentation on Outcrop Data
Athanasios Nathanail*, Daniel Arnold, Vasily Demyanov, Andy Gardiner
15:05 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S2303. Automated structural characterization and DFN modelling of a fracture network from an outcrop LiDaR dataset
Sylvain Favier*, Lionel Bertrand, Claire Bossennec, Yoram Teitler, Julie Jeanpert, Yves Géraud, Michel Cathelineau, Fabrice Golfier
15:30 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S2304. Convolutional neural networks for automated mapping of bedrock fracture traces from UAV-acquired images.
Bijal Chudasama*, Nikolas Ovaskainen, Jonne Tamminen
15:55 Fri Sep 2nd auditorium ORAL
S24 Climate and Land Use
Gregoire Mariethoz (University of Lausanne), Jerome Lave (CRPG - CNRS)
Fri Sep 2nd 102 11:05:00
S2401. Plantations and ecosystem transition in the Santchou landscape of Cameroon: A hybrid remote sensing analysis
Jude N. Kimengsi, Reeves M. Fokeng*
11:05 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
S2402. Statistical Investigation of surface urban heat island inequality within a city
Bakul Budhiraja*, Jennifer McKinley, Karmeshu Karmeshu
11:30 Fri Sep 2nd 102 REMOTE ORAL
S2403. Timing of Global Change
Bjorn Birnir*, Alethea B. T. Barbaro, Samuel Subbey
11:55 Fri Sep 2nd 102 ORAL
255 presentations found
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